Don’t count your chickens……

Because we can..


As none of our chickens ever sit on eggs, we started up the incubator early, and we have 50 chicks from 3 batches. Good result.

Then, all of our hens decided that it was a good year for sitting, so God only knows how many chicks we have running around now, and more to come – at least another 30 so far! (Question: how many roast chickens can you eat in a year? We may be about to find out.)



We have a turkey who has no idea how to sit on eggs – she would sit all day, and then go and roost for the night. Therefore we also have a few turkey eggs in the incubator with indeterminate hatching dates, as we pilfered her nest – not much hope for them, but better than none. In addition, we have managed to hatch 7 (now 6) turkey chicks – we shall see how they go.

Finally, we have approaching 20 guinea fowl eggs, so they will be next on the list for incubation, unless one of our new guinea fowl decides to sit.