6 month-old chickens

Having been set back by the olives, we have dispatched a dozen chickens a little later than usual – two months later to be precise. However,they are such a good size, with more meat than usual, that we are thinking that this might be the better way, despite the additional cost.

Given that 25% of everything that a chicken eats comes out the other end a few hours later, it is not a big problem to keep them for longer, but it makes the cost of each bird outrageously high if you were looking to make a profit on the deal. For us, chickens are the most effective method of fertilizing our land, with the added bonus of free eggs and meat.

A little note, we have finally got a result with the hot water and plucking issues. If you heat the water to 65 degrees Celsius (70 according to our thermometer), and dunk it sufficiently, the feathers come out without force! At last! All those internet posts and books saying how water loosens the feathers, and us tearing and heaving and cursing – you NEED a thermometer – scientific process and all that! Ellie can now pluck a chicken faster than I can draw it – the whole process is no longer a stress. Can’t wait for the motorised chicken-plucker, though!